Lear, Edward (1812-88; English)
Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria…, (London: R.Bentley, 1852)
Acquired by 1861
State Library of Victoria [SLV RARE S 914.57 L47]

Famous now largely for his Book of Nonsense (1846) and other songs and poems, Lear was also a noted travel artist. He published several illustrated volumes based on his trips, especially to Italy, where he first went in 1837 (to Rome), and later died (at his villa near San Remo, in Liguria).

This book includes some 22 black and white lithographs by Lear, based on sketches he made in the region of Reggio Calabria in 1847.

[photo: Plate 8: Stilo (from another copy)]


MPL 1861, p.253

See SLV catalogue (not reproduced). Other copies are reproduced online: see e.g. https://archive.org/details/journalsoflandsc00learuoft/page/6/mode/2up; for the plate reproduced here, see http://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/8613. For Lear, see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Lear (all websites noted accessed 15 Feb.2021)