Goodall, C. (details unknown)
Two sketches (no details indicated)
Acquired, 1872
Unidentified; present location unknown

A mysterious pair of entries in the NGV’s unpublished pre-1905 acquisition list (under 1872) provides the only information available on these works.

Attempts to identify an artist have proved fruitless to date. Edward Goodall (1819-1908) and his brother Frederick (1822-1904) might both be relevant; for the latter, see Goodall (F.) Rachel going to the Well 1867 {1867} NGV [PA].


Not listed in AR 1872, NGV 1894 or 1905; PF nos.758-59 (1872): NGV acc.nos. p.166.129-1 & p.166.130-1 

For Edward and Frederick Goodall, see AKL 61 (2009) and Bénézit 6; neither source lists an artist named C.Goodall