Portraits of Perry listed in this catalogue:
Weigall Dr Charles Perry 1875 {1876} SLV [PA]
Summers (Charles) Rev.Charles Perry {1876} SLV [SC]

The Right Reverend Charles Perry, D.D., was a significant contributor to the development of early Melbourne. As archbishop of the new diocese (1848-75), he obtained authority to establish the Anglican Church in Australia as a self-governing entity (approved by an Act of the British Parliament in 1855), and was instrumental in founding both Melbourne Grammar School and Geelong Grammar School. He was also a foundation member of the council of the University of Melbourne, and one of the founders of the University’s Trinity College.

Perry’s wife Frances (1814-92) engaged in benevolent work, and was the first president of the Melbourne Lying-in (Royal Women’s) Hospital, from 1856 to 1874. Frances Perry House, Trinity College’s “sister,” is named after her.

Perry was succeeded as Archbishop of Melbourne by James Moorhouse, who held the position from 1876-86: see now * Ball James Moorhouse {1890} Loc.unknown [SC].


http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/perry-charles-4391 (by A.De Q. Robin; ADB vol.5, 1974) and http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/perry-frances-fanny-13150 (by Peter Sherlock; ADB Supplementary volume, 2005). See also SLV Art of the Collection (2007), pp.38-39 (comparing the portraits by Summers and Weigall)