Works included in this catalogue
Altson (A.)The Golden Age 1893 {1895} NGV [PA]
* Altson (A.) after Rembrandt An Old Man {1894} Loc? [PA]
Altson (A.) after van Dyck Portrait of a Lady of Rank 1891 {1892} NGV [PA]

Altson studied at the National Gallery art school, and won the NGV Travelling Scholarship in 1890, subsequently producing The Golden Age and several Old Master copies in France and England (as listed above).

Despite his early success in Melbourne, Altson spent the bulk of his career outside Australia – in Paris, London, and finally the United States (where he lived from 1937 until his death).

See also Altson, Meyer.


For a useful biography, emphasizing Altson’s Australian period, see (by an anonymous writer); this includes quotes from an 1898 Bulletin article (cited in the entry on The Golden Age). See also AKL 2 (1986), p.447 (entry by Bernard Smith), and Bénézit 1, p.371