Nolin, Jean-Baptiste (1657-1725; French), after Hardouin-Mansart, Jules (1646-1708)
Elevation de la Façe de l’Orangerie de Versailles…1688
2 engravings
Gift of George Collins Levey 1879
National Gallery of Victoria (p.183.71-1 and p.183.70-1)

= Levey gift, cat.101-2

The inscriptions identify both Nolin, and the architect. The Orangerie was built to the latter’s designs between 1681 and 1685.

See also Le Pautre (P.) after Hardouin-Mansart Ecuries du Roy… Versailles 1689 {1879} NGV [PR].


Not listed in NGV 1894 or 1905 

NGV catalogue (under Versailles, listed as by an unknown engraver); not reproduced. The photo reproduced here, showing the left half (p.183.71.1), was taken by the author (2019)

Cf. Suite et Arrangement (1727), p.5 and Duplessis Cabinet du roi (1869), p.10, For Nolin, see Bénézit 10, p.420 (not included in AKL). For Hardouin-Mansart, see linked entry; and for the design and construction of the Orangerie see Berger A Royal Passion (1994), ch.10