Dicksee, Frank (1853-1928; English)
Unidentified drawing
Purchased c.1896 (advice of Joseph Pennell); de-accessioned 1905
Location unknown

This drawing is mentioned by Sonia Dean, in her 1986 survey of the development of the NGV’s drawing collection, as one of those recommended by Pennell in the 1890s. Dean observes however that an entry in the NGV stockbook (yet to check) indicates that Dicksee’s drawing was exchanged for “an anatomical study of Hercules,” apparently a plaster cast, in 1905.

Further research may bring to light further details regarding this work.

See also Dicksee The Crisis 1891 {1891} NGV [PA], purchased on Herkomer‘s advice.


Not listed in NGV 1905 or relevant annual reports; SB yet to check (see Dean 1986) 

Dean Master Drawings (1986), p.7, as cited above